Course info
Behaviour is a form of communication. Even if a person isn’t saying words, their behaviour and body language can show what they might be thinking or feeling.
Children living with Autism Spectrum Disorder often take longer to learn how to speak, so it can be difficult for them to fully express themselves. Sometimes, the ones who can speak may not have the skills to explain ‘in the moment’ what they are thinking or what is concerning them. It is therefore important for educators to understand behaviour and the meaning behind particular behaviours.
This course examines behaviour and how it can be different for children living with Autism Spectrum Disorder. It also explains how educators can guide children through positive behaviour-support strategies and advocate for children with special rights.
In this course, you will:
- explore why certain behaviours occur
- learn how to understand certain behaviours
- discover some of the differences in development that children living with Autism Spectrum Disorder can experience
- uncover pro-active strategies to support individual children’s positive behaviour and advocate for children with special rights.